Spring is comming

Autor: Thomas Einwaller
Kategorien: troii

and not only the weather is getting nicer. Last week troii attended the Springsource S2G Forums in Munich to get some updates on current Springsource activities – and boy, there is a lot of great stuff going on there!

While Grails development is really making progress with version 1.3 just around the corner it is also nice to see the ongoing improvements to Spring Roo. The talks in Munich showed how „unintrusive“ Spring Roo can be used and I really like the concept of just being around on compile time and not at runtime.

Other very interesting projects out of the Spring context are Spring Integration and Spring batch. We had a nice presentation of these two projects and how they work together last week in Linz at our eJUG event. Mark Fisher and David Syer did a great introduction and I got some ideas where we could use these projects in our products like timr.

We already upgrade all the projects we are currently working on to Spring 3 – which was not to hard. I am really looking forward to use the features this new version provides, especially in the MVC area.